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Is it better to use the gate valve or the butterfly valve?

Sep 25,2019 Posted by Bundor

Industry News

Question: A valve is needed on one of our drains to shut off. Someone recommended me to use the gate valve, and others recommended me to use a butterfly valve. I would like to ask you about the valve. If you encounter this situation, is it better to use the gate valve or the butterfly valve?
Is it better to use the gate valve or the butterfly valve?

Answer: When the drain pipe is used for shut-off, the gate valve is in principle more suitable than the butterfly valve. The reason is that the sealing performance of the gate valve is stronger than that of the butterfly valve. However, different situations must be considered. If your operating conditions require frequent opening and closing of the valve, the butterfly valve will be more suitable than the gate valve. Because of the structural characteristics of the gate valve itself, that is, the large stroke of the valve plate and the slow opening and closing speed, it is not suitable for use in conditions requiring frequent opening and closing of the valve.

Summarized as follows: whether the gate valve is good or the butterfly valve is good, there is no answer to this question. Gate valves and butterfly valves are two different types of valves, and their application scenarios are also different. There is no grade between the two. Just use the right valve in the right working condition.

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