Some valves also require external protection, which is insulation and cold protection. Hot steam pipes are sometimes added to the insulation. What kind of valve should be kept warm or cold depends on the production requirements.
In principle, where the valve medium to reduce the temperature too much, will affect the production efficiency or freeze the valve, you need heat preservation, and even mix heat; Where the valve is exposed, adverse to production or cause frost and other adverse phenomena, you need to keep cool. Insulation materials are asbestos, slag cotton, glass cotton, perlite, diatomaceous earth, vermiculite and so on;Keep cold material has cork, perlite, bubble, plastic to wait. Some valves, in addition to the necessary protection facilities, but also bypass and instrumentation. Bypass installed. Facilitate the maintenance of steam trap. Other valves are bypass mounted. Whether to install bypass depends on valve condition, importance and production requirements.