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Through cement medium valve selection

Dec 28,2018 Posted by Bundor

Industry News

If it is too cement can use butterfly valve, but because the cement will produce friction erosion on the seat, it is recommended to use wear-resisting rubber seat, other parts due to the cement corrosion is small, so the use of conventional ductile iron body, ductile iron plate configuration can. If it is powder cement, the conventional soft seal butterfly valve can be. In addition, cement friction, so the opening torque will be relatively large.

If the cement medium, the choice of full diameter ball valve is more reasonable. The sealing surface of the ball valve is not in contact with the medium for long service life. Full size ball valves facilitate pipe cleaning. It is better to add a cleaning device to the sealing surface to reduce the wear and tear of the sealing surface. It should be noted that the ball valve is easy to get stuck when used in cement, which affects the opening, closing and sealing performance. It is recommended to recommend butterfly valve or knife gate valve to customers.

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